
They caught the second suspect in the Boston bombing last night around 9pm. Apparently he was hiding out in a boat in someone’s yard, and the homeowner noticed him when he went out for a smoke. After over an hour of negotiations, they got him to come out of the boat and arrested him. I am glad he’s alive because I know the whole running community (hell, the whole country) wants to know why he would do such a horrible thing.

I was glued to the police scanner and Reddit up until they caught him, so needless to say nothing really productive got done. Instead I ended up falling into bed plenty tired around 9:30. Haters gonna hate.

Of course this means I woke up at 5 as Pat (my boyfriend) was climbing into bed. We briefly discussed some things (because I am sooooo cohesive at the crack of dawn), and I willed myself to fall asleep again until 8.

Put food down for the cats (which they didn’t eat…silly kitties), made a quick breakfast of 2 eggs, 3 slices of bacon, and an avocado, and headed out to the local rail trail for a bike ride. This was only my second ride with my new-to-me bike (2011 Trek Lexa S), and I friggin love this thing. Did an easy 20-mile out and back…I listened to this past week’s “Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me” on the way out, and “This American Life” on the way back. TAL had a fascinating but sad story about a doctor who took a job at a clinic to find that the previous doctor (who coincidentally had the same last name) had brutally murdered his father. Over time he found from patients that this was uncharacteristic behavior, so he started an investigation that led to a diagnosis of Huntington’s Disease. 



Came home in time to see Pat off to work. It’s the annual festival at his university this weekend, so he’s got to put in some extra hours. Had me another protein shake and sat on Pinterest for awhile. I had planned to also mow the lawn today, but apparently my legs aren’t as strong as I hoped (1 month hiatus will do that to ya!), so instead I took a nap. The grass will still be long tomorrow.

After my nap (which was great), I made myself one of my favorite “Saturday by myself” meals…steak (NY Strip this time) and steamed broccoli. Have I mentioned keto is the best diet ever? I took a break from weighing myself in April, so I am very excited to see what the scale says May 1st.

Now that the steak’s gone, I will probably do that homework I said I was going to do yesterday. Tomorrow night I am going to see Macklemore in concert, so there won’t be much time for homework then!

Boston is Closed

I woke up this morning (late, again) to find out that all kinds of crazy shit went down in Boston overnight. The suspects got identified holding up a 7-11, which led to a police chase, which led to a giant shootout (with explosions!), which ended up with a police officer and one of the suspects dead, and the whole city on lockdown. Police have had a perimeter up on one neighborhood all day, and I have been glued to Reddit trying to keep up with everything that’s going on. 

I sure do hope they find that guy…

Shortly after I woke up, the power went out for some reason. It went out yesterday too…I hope this doesn’t become an everyday thing. Thankfully they were pretty quick about fixing the problem, so I was able to make some coffee before heading off to work. Coffee is a vital ingredient for awesomeness 😀

Also grabbed a stack of pepperoni and cut up a red pepper for breakfast.

Work wasn’t the most productive, since I was wearing out my F5 key on Reddit for Boston updates. I got whatever I needed done for the proposal bid I am working on, so there’s that. Had lunch out with the coworkers…we went to everyone’s new favorite lunch spot, Nalley Fresh. Got myself a huge keto-friendly salad, with salmon, dark greens, various veggies, sprouts, avocado, a bit of cheddar, and some Old Bay mayo dressing (for those of you not fortunate enough to live in Maryland, Old Bay is a delicious spice blend that usually goes on seafood. Try it if you get a chance!). So good, and good for me!

I ended up leaving work early (yeah I know, I have sick time, shut up), since the radar was looking ominous and I wanted to bring in my potted herbs. I just transplanted a new basil and oregano, and have cilantro and cat grass in the process of germinating…not sure they’re ready for a severe thunderstorm yet! I opted to keep my brand new Meyer lemon and avocado trees outside. Hopefully they’ll hold up. 

That’s pretty much it for today. Dinner will probably be a chocolate-banana protein shake (made with sugar free banana pudding and cocoa powder), and the evening’s entertainment will most likely be homework. No run today…trying to get back to my normal weekly schedule (run M-W-Sun, cross Tu-Th-Sat, rest Fri) after a too-long post-race hiatus. Hoping to get a bike ride in tomorrow. We shall see!


So I had this whole long post planned out about how I am unable to hold myself accountable for anything anymore, and I have developed a bunch of bad habits and can’t seem to get out of a slump and blah blah blah…

Well I’m not going to post it. Shit was pathetic. In light of everything that’s been going down in Boston and Waco this week, I have come to realize that I have it pretty damn good. 

Instead I’m going to be more awesome. 

Rather than tell you about how I have let my life go, I’m going to take it back. And you’re coming with me. You ready?


So here’s a little bit about me: 

  • I’m 25 years old
  • I live in Baltimore, MD with my boyfriend, who is also 25. We’ve been together since high school (nigh on 7 years!). He’s pretty rad.
  • I’m an engineer at a local defense contractor, and he is a multimedia technician for a local university
  • I’m a runner (when by that I mean I waddle around my neighborhood at 6mph)
  • I’m a gardener too (an awful one, but I have some plants, and they haven’t died yet)
  • Sometimes I also ride my bike around, do crafty things, and play video games (but I don’t do enough of either to consider them fulltime hobbies)
  • I barely have time for any of the above things because I’m in grad school (blech)
  • Someone thought it was okay to give me two cats. They are a royal pain in the ass sometimes, but they’ve clawed their way into my heart. 

My hope for this blog is that by letting you into my life, I can work on making myself better. Nobody wants to read about a boring life, right? Hopefully with your help, hypothetical blog readers, I can be more awesome. 
